I've just downloaded a fresh evaluation copy of Sonic MQ, installed on Ubuntu 8.04 and tried to run, which fails instantly. I can't find any reference to the output that's meaningful in the context of startup:
[10/01/27 17:20:40] (info) Open container boot file "/home/langfords/SonicEval/MQ7.6/container.xml"
[10/01/27 17:20:41] (info) Fetching the resources of container "Domain1."
[10/01/27 17:20:41] (info) Cache opened in directory "/home/langfords/SonicEval/MQ7.6/Domain1..cache"
[10/01/27 17:20:41] (warning) Failed to refresh resources, trace follows...
at java.util.StringTokenizer.nextToken(StringTokenizer.java:332)
at com.sonicsw.mf.common.runtime.impl.CanonicalName.init(Unknown Source)
at com.sonicsw.mf.common.runtime.impl.CanonicalName.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.sonicsw.mf.framework.agent.ci.ContainerResources.createConnector(Unknown Source)
at com.sonicsw.mf.framework.agent.ci.ContainerResources.getRemoteDSAccess(Unknown Source)
at com.sonicsw.mf.framework.agent.ci.ContainerResources.getDSAccessContinuous(Unknown Source)
at com.sonicsw.mf.framework.agent.ci.ContainerResources.connectAndGetConfiguration(Unknown Source)
at com.sonicsw.mf.framework.agent.ci.LaunchContainer.deployAndStart(Unknown Source)
at com.sonicsw.mf.framework.agent.ci.LaunchContainer.main(Unknown Source)
[10/01/27 17:20:41] (severe) Failed to start the container
The container.xml file is untouched since installation:
<?xml version="2.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Domain xmlns="http://www.sonicsw.com/mf" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.sonicsw.com/mf MFConfigurationElements.xsd" name="Domain1">
<ElementID name="/containers/0" type="MF_CONTAINER" version="1" creationTimestamp="1022171764184" releaseVersion="103" />
<Attribute name="CLASSNAME" type="string" value="com.sonicsw.mf.framework.agent.Agent" />
<Attribute name="DOMAIN_NAME" type="string" value="Domain1" />
<Attribute name="CONTAINER_NAME" type="string" value="" />
<Attribute name="HOSTS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE" type="boolean" value="false" />
<Attribute name="COMMAND_LINE" type="boolean" value="false" />
<AttributeName name="CONNECTION" />
<Attribute name="DefaultPassword" type="string" value="Administrator" />
<Attribute name="DefaultUser" type="string" value="Administrator" />
<Attribute name="ConnectionURLs" type="string" value="tcp://langfords3:2506" />
<Attribute name="MANAGEMENT_NODE" type="string" value="" />
Have I done something obviously wrong, or is there somewhere else I can look for info?
Hi Simon,
not sure how you managed, but the container name is empty:
CONTAINER_NAME" type="string" value="" />
which in turn make the fully qualified name look like: 'Domain1.' but we do expect something after the '.'. And this causes the StringTokenizer to fail with NoSuchElementException.
Judging from you container.xml this is not your domain manager though. So just go to SMC, give a proper name, regenerate the boot file and try again.
Hi Thomas,
It appears I only installed the Container, having now installed the Broker it works much better
Thanks for the help.