File Pickup Service- ESB 7.02- Multiple Directories per Conf

Posted by nweddle on 15-Dec-2009 15:29

I am running Sonic ESB 7.02 and would like to use one pick up config document to Poll more than one directory and post the message to an endpoint.Is this possible? I got it to work with one direcotry. Thanks!


All Replies

Posted by Bill Wood on 16-Dec-2009 12:57

I don't think you can have multiple source directories for one instance -- that is, the config file only supports one source.   You can certainly have two instances of the service that both post to the same endpoint, so you can achieve it with two service instances, and two config files.

Posted by Admin on 09-Mar-2010 14:07

This has been an issue for us as well. It would be great if the FilePickup service supported muliple folders. We have come across this problem every time we build an ESB project that supports multiple countries.

Are there any plans to improve the functionality of the FilePickup service? Or better yet, what about opening the source code to the PSDN community so that we can improve upon it.


Jon Nyholt

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