Sonic Event Monitor - Catergories

Posted by matthewpope01 on 01-Apr-2010 14:38

In the Daily Appender Example, Its say one can capture metrics down to the broker.  I have it working correctly for sonicmf.notification, but not for a specific broker.


    <category name="sonicmf.notification">

Not Working:

    <category name="sonicmf.notification.DomainManager_IM_NA_DB220.MsgBrokerContainer_IM_NA_DB220.MsgBroker">

Example from DailyRolling File Appender.

    <!-- NOTE:  This will capture all detailed metrics for all containers,
           and components within the domain.  You can refine this by
      domain, container, and component name to the end of the category.

      For example:
      This would capture all metrics from Broker1 running in the
      container "Container1" in the domain "Domain1".

    <!-- Specify the Appender to use for SonicMF notifications -->
    <category name="sonicmf.notification.DomainManager_IM_NA_DB220.MsgBrokerContainer_IM_NA_DB220.MsgBroker">
        <priority value="TRACE"/>
        <appender-ref ref="NotificationsFile"/>

Any help would be great,



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