ESB 7.6 FilePickup: cannot access dir on the network

Posted by Admin on 16-Apr-2010 14:08

Hi all,

we have set up an ESB Process with a FilePickup service. As long as the pickupDirectory is on a local drive everything works fine. But if we set it to a dir on a network drive, as soon as we sent a message to the process to pickup the file, we get the following error:

File Pickup Error: requested directory does not exist

OS is Windows and we are starting the ESB as a service. We therefore created a user ESBService which has read/write access to the dir. The ESB service is started using this server, but the FilePickup service cannot access the direcory.

Any help greatly appreciated...


All Replies

Posted by jerem on 23-Apr-2010 06:59

Hello Mike

Did you map the disk on local file system or did you try to access the disk using \\myhost\sharedfolder\ ?


chan Jeremy

Posted by Admin on 23-Apr-2010 08:02

We mapped the drive. I now changed our Code to use UNC instead, and: it works!

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