SSH/cmd-line call

Posted by herbie.wilson on 26-Apr-2010 18:20

Hi all,

Is it possible to make a command-line call from the ESB (7.0.2) and retrieve the results?  If so, how?


Herbie Wilson

All Replies

Posted by Bill Wood on 28-Apr-2010 14:13

You can do this with a custom service where you use the Java Runtime object.   Something like:


public class Main {

       public static void main(String args[]) {

            try {
                java.lang.Runtime rt = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime();
                java.lang.Process pr = rt.exec("cmd /c dir");

                BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pr.getInputStream()));

                String line=null;

                while((line=input.readLine()) != null) {

                int exitVal = pr.waitFor();
                System.out.println("Exited with error code "+exitVal);

            } catch(Exception e) {

NOTE: You have to be careful about doing things like this, as they can open up a wide security hole in your environment if you let an ESB Service run random commands.

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