Which adapters come with Sonic ESB 'out of the box'

Posted by saquib on 12-May-2010 05:34

Hello All,

Had a look at the documentation and searched here, but cannot find details on which adapters come along with Sonic ESB as standard ? I can see a similar question was asked earlier and never answered, so hopefully someone can provide an answer this time.

Couple of further questions as well:

- if I need to communicate with an Openedge database from within the ESB, is the Database Adapter required ?

- similarly, for SQL databases would I need the Database Adapter or the specific SQL Adapter ?


All Replies

Posted by Bill Wood on 12-May-2010 08:59

It sounds like you want the Sonic Database Service.

In Sonic 8.0, the database service (DBService) is shipped as a standard part of the ESB.  This ships with the JDBC drivers for:






These drivers are repackaged Progress DataDirect Connect version 4.0 drivers.  The specifics database versions are spelt out on the Progress DataDirect site.

All these drivers ultimately use JDBC and SQL to communicate from the Sonic container (i.e. Java) to the database.

There is also the OpenEdge ESB Adapter that allows you to invoke .p's and ABL methods from a Sonic itinerary (i.e. ABL procedure calls and not SQL).  This is provided with OpenEdge, and does not come with the Sonic install.

Posted by saquib on 12-May-2010 09:13


Many thanks for the prompt reply. Just for clarity, assume SQLServer is referring to Microsoft SQL Server ?

Again, thanks for reply.


P.S. Is there any document which I've missed that would have provided these details?

Posted by tsteinbo on 12-May-2010 09:24

Just press F1 in workbench to get access to the developer documentation. In the search dialog you could have searched for openedge

Posted by saquib on 12-May-2010 09:30


I'd love to be able to do that, but currently do not have ESB installed. I registered to download the latest version, the download link provided is for 7.6 but the email received has a control code for 8.0! Tried the code anyway but it does not work. Sent an email to eval@progress.com for assistance last week but no reply yet.


Posted by Bill Wood on 12-May-2010 09:32

saquib wrote:

Many thanks for the prompt reply. Just for clarity, assume SQLServer is referring to Microsoft SQL Server

The full list I gave was incomplete.  It is:

  • DB2

  • Informix

  • Progress OpenEdge

  • Oracle

  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • Sybase

(and you can point to any other JDBC type 4 driver as well)

Is there any document which I've missed that would have provided these details?

Generally, for most questions about Sonic ESB services and their capabilities you want to go to the Workbench Help (F1 in Workbench -- as was mentioned ) or online at http://communities.progress.com/infocenter/index.jsp.

Posted by Bill Wood on 12-May-2010 09:34

saquib wrote:


I'd love to be able to do that, but currently do not have ESB installed.


Go to the online version of the Workbench Help.   (http://communities.progress.com/infocenter/index.jsp).

However, for the question you mentioned, you would have found it in any version of Sonic Workbench help.  What changed in 8.0 was the packaging of DBService and the update to the DataDirect Connect version 4.0 drivers (which, from an OpenEdge perspective, were the ones that supported 10.2C).

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