In a cluster of two brokers (each having backup brokers) Advertised Global Queues on SMC shows too many temporary queues.I say too many, because SMC hangs when listing the thousands (there must be) of temporary queues. The queues seems to originate from an ESB container running only services (no processes). Why are these temporary queues created and why are there so many? Could this be related to the cluster? When does ESB containers create temporary queues - all endpoints have Destination Type set to Queue?
Temp queues are typically used for request/reply scenarios. E.g. we use them we you perform an to be able to wait for the reply. They are also used by the broker for HTTP acceptors in request reply scenarios.
Can you tell us a bit more about your use cases? Can you also post some names of the temp queues so that we can associate them with their origin (esb/broker).
What version and build is this? I recall an issue with this in Sonic 7.0 related to Temporary Queues in a Cluster not being purged from the display. I think this was fixed in build 183 (or higher) [for SonicMQ] in Sonic 7.0.2 (for those with access to Progress' internal database, I am refering to SNC59751)