Routing traffic thru different zones

Posted by on 21-May-2010 07:11


My customer have to zones; inhouse and dmz. They only allow connetions from inside to dmz and there are no open ports at all from the dmz to inside. They are working with establishing an secure XML-gateway between the zones, but for now we have nothing. We are using HTTP(S) and TCP(SSL) traffic.

I have to questions regarding this issue:

I've established a DRA connection between the zones to route the traffic. This works (of course) fine as long as the connection first is established from the inside. Is there any way to establish this connection during startup of the Node? Looks to me that the connection aint established before you try to use the DRA?! eg. sending a message.

For now I've installed to seperate domains, one on the inside and one on the outside. Are there any posibility to configure this using only one Domain in the inhouse zone?



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