I need to implement HTTP basic authentication at HTTP Acceptor.
The request coming from HTTP client contains header Authorization : Basic with credentials encoded in Base 64.
Please let me know if you have any idea about the same.
Thanks in advance.
That is available by default. Just go to the Acceptor of choice, add the protocol you want, e.g. Direct Basic, then go to the authentication tab and check "HTTP Basic Authentication" and uncheck "Acceptor Configuration". This will then allow just users registered with the brokers authentication domain in.
Doc reference: http://progress.atgnow.com/esprogress/resultDisplay2.do?result=0&clusterName=CombinedCluster&page=https%3A%2F%2Fprogress.atgnow.com%2Fesprogress%2Fdocs%2FSonic%2FSonic76%2Fmqconfigmgmt%2FProtocols.html&docType=1000&groupid=1&contextid=11634%3A32068.32131%2C26945.27104%2C55965.56040&answerGroup=1&responseid=25d08d682f97570d%3A1b1fbf4%3A129160c6370%3A1b7b×tamp=1275999987137#Goto32068