I believe that if I create a subscription to a topic using a message selector, that that selector expression is held on the broker cluster (if I've set setSelectorAtBroker(true)) to which I'm connected meaning my client is only sent messages it is interested in. When the source of those messages is a client connected to a different broker cluster which is the other end of a DRA link, then my local cluster will of course create a proxy subscription on that source cluster, assuming I've configured everything right. Will that proxy subscription on the remote cluster also know about my message selector expression or will the filtering only be done in my local cluster?
Note I am using SonicMQ 8.0
I am not 100% positive, but I believe that the DRA link does honour the filter. This assumes you are using GSA (Global Subscription Architecture), which I think is the only place that the selector would matter (as directed sends or global publishing is PUSH based and not affected by subscribers).
I don't think the version matters here (as long as you have a version that supports GSA.