I would like to have the same functionality as the javax.jms.MessageConsumer.receive() to receive messages in a synchronized manner. Is this functionality possible using the open edge adapter?
Additionally, what is the best way to connect to using the adapter? Could you provide some examples (or atleast point me to some especially with Server Connect). I have gone thru the examples that come standard as well as the ones on the Knowledgebase
a. Client Connect
b. Server Connect
c. Broker Connect
This might be a better question for the OpenEdge forum as this is capability in the OpenEdge client and not in Sonic. I am assuming you are refering to the OpenEdge SonicMQ Adapter. This was done prior to the JMS 1.1 spec so it has a distinction between TopicSubscribers and QueueReceivers (it was not until JMS 1.1 that the topic and queue domains were merged into a common MessageReceiver). You should have the receive(timeout) capabilites on those objects.