Adding users to the DS for a flat-file external authenticati

Posted by nkamath on 12-Aug-2010 06:29


We are trying to implement some security features in the Sonic C client based on requirements from British Airways (BA)

One of the requirements is for authentication with LDAP. I thought of adding a simple test for the c client based on a flat-file external store for the DS (in the sandbox based on 7.6.2.hf branch for developer testing).

So tried to add a new user using the Management/configAPI/javaConfigBean programmatic sample. However I get an error even before the 'createUser' stage.

I snipped the sample to bare-bones using

MQMgmtBeanFactory domain = new MQMgmtBeanFactory();

// throws the error about configuration
IAuthenticationDomainBean authDomainBean =
   factory.getAuthenticationDomainBean("/Security/Default Authentication");

//onto createUser()

$sh ../../../ SecuritySample
Failed to load configuration for /Security/Default Authentication/_MFDomainDescriptor - org/apache/xerces/impl/dv/InvalidDatatypeFacetException

Any ideas?



p.s I wasn't sure of the appropriate forum/discussion board in MyProgress, will gladly re-post onto it if someone can let me know the forum id

All Replies

Posted by Bill Wood on 13-Aug-2010 10:33

You want to send this to sonic-forum on the internal site.

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