How to tie a TCP acceptor with a sonic custom java service

Posted by smahanta on 20-Aug-2010 02:02

I have created a TCP acceptor in SMC at port 7000.If it were a http acceptor I would have tied this url to a queue. A sonic process/service in turn will be listening to this queue.So any message sent to the queue will get delivered to service.Now how to do the same thing with tcp acceptor? I have some doubt that this could not be done.Only option is to create a thread which keep listening to this port. Am I missing something?



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Posted by tsteinbo on 23-Aug-2010 15:47

For TCP acceptors there is no mapping to queues/topics/urls like you have for the HTTP acceptors. Similarly, there are no protocol handlers like HTTP Direct Basic that do that binding.

Rather, TCP acceptors are the native acceptors that allow a JMS client to connect to a broker (and thus get access to any queue/topic on the broker/cluster) by way of JMS API.

Don't confuse a TCP acceptor with a raw socket listener that forwards whatever bytes it gets to some handler? How would we even though that without knowing the particular (binary) protocol going over this port. We could only say forward every 4k bytes, no?


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