Is it possible to automate the SDM deployments to allow some or all of the containers to be deployed as a Domain Account rather than the standard "Local System" accounts? I cant seem to find any information on this in the manual.
Many Thanks
Grant Macnamara
Hi Grant,
unfortunately, there is no build-in way of achieving this. We have considered it though and there is a pending enhancement request. It would be great if you could open a support case and have your name added to it to up the priority of it.
In the mean time I suggest to look at sc.exe. This is a tool shipped with WinXP and later that allows you to change the user the service is running under. Using that you can then script the service registration and e.g. use a custom ant step to have it automatically executed.
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for the answer and yes i'll raise the request as we really need to get this automated. Which leads me to my next question then (Hopefully a simple one). Can you point me in the direction of posts/manual etc where i can find out about how to append a script to have the services changed that would be great.
Many thanks
have a look at the command line options of sc.exe first: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/251192
something like
sc.exe config "service name" obj= password=
should do.
Hooking into SDM can be done by copying the custom ant template from SDM\scripts\CustomAnt.xml.example to your model directory and modifying it to your needs, e.g .include an exec task.
Many thanks Thomas.
Just for note. I've raised and been added to the pending enhancement request. Hopeing to get some feedback on this soon.
Indeed it was already discussed internally how to best approach it.