JNDI Initial Context URL dependent on primary/backup directo

Posted by Admin on 27-Sep-2010 17:36


I support a generic JMS connector used with various ESB/EAI products. The connector supports only the JMS 1.1 specification and uses JNDI to acquire the connection factory and destinations. When creating a JNDI initial context, the PROVIDER_URL property points to, for SonicMQ 8.0, the domain manager broker (correct?). If continuous availability has been implemented such that the domain has a primary and backup directory service, this fact is transparent to the JMS client. In other words, the PROVIDER_URL need not be changed to point someplace else if the directory service rolls over to the backup directory service?

Thanks in adavance,



JNBridge, LLC


All Replies

Posted by bduncan on 27-Sep-2010 23:47

If you have a DM container with the primary DS on host1 and a second DM container with the backup DS on host2, they each have Mgmt Brokers which are clustered (and you can connect to either broker any time via load balancing regardless of which FT DS is Active).

You probably want to set PROVIDER_URL to list both (i.e. "tcp://host1:2506,tcp://host2:2506") so that an initial connection will always work even if one of the DM containers or hosts is completely down.

But otherwise you are correct that if you are connected to the Mgmt Broker and primary DS on host1 and it crashes and the backup DS becomes active on host2, then your Fault Tolerant JNDI connection will transparently reconnect to the mgmt broker on host2.


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