I'm writing a custom service for rendering xsl-fo files. The service is using Apache FOP 1.0 libraries.
Each time I invoke the service a get a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xml/serializer/OutputPropertiesFactory. This class is found in serialiser-2.7.0.jar, used by the apache fop libraries.
After investigating the ESB container log, I saw this log entry:
[10/11/23 10:23:28] ID=Domain1.dev_ESBTest (warning) Could not find file "sonicfs:///workspace/services/lib/serializer-2.7.0.jar" in the container cache
I checked the ESB container configuration and as far as I can see, I've added the .jar to the esb container classpath.
But, clearly, I'm missing somethin here.
Why is the jar not found? It is there, it is added to the classpath, but it is not in the container cache folder.
How do I add this jar tot the container cache, or how do I solve this problem?
Can you check it is loaded in, via SMC?
Or can you put or import some other location via SMC and check.
How do I check if it is loaded in, via SMC?
Check out the attachment, and check the jar is loaded.
I found the problem: It was a xalan version problem (xalan 2.7.0 en 2.7.1 used in the same container). I upgraded the custom service to the latest version and removed the old xalan version from the container setup.
This solved the problem of the NoClassDefFoundError errors.
Oh, okie