Parent-Child Relationship while passing xml data to ESBDB

Posted by chetanparekh on 20-Jan-2011 03:29

As per requirement we need to pass these values for Database Operation
In this above example Customer is parent tag of Addresses and Addresses is parent tag of Address. While passing this data to Database Operation through ESBDB how can we maintain Parent Child relationship.
@firstname -> FirstName
@ lastname -> LastName
@age -> Age
@adress-> ???
How can I map multiple tags of Address to parameter address?
If I want to pass all this data in single call to ESBDB
Is there any way to achieve this?

All Replies

Posted by sk185050 on 20-Jan-2011 03:36

Why not sure why you want to manage that at the middleware layer like ORM? I am not sure if that channel Adaptor is for this purpose.

I know abt oracle, where in you can use their inbuild API that can return the SQL query as XML outout, I am not sure if you are using Oracle or you can use that.

Posted by chetanparekh on 20-Jan-2011 03:46

I am attaching XML document with this Question






Posted by chetanparekh on 20-Jan-2011 03:51

In our requirement we need to store data which we are getting through xml.

Thats why we are mapping these values with Parameters in ESBDB

Posted by tsteinbo on 21-Jan-2011 03:15

So do you need to store each address in a single database row? Or will you lump all addresses together into one value/row?


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