I've been working with Sonic on a new project, as a beginner, for a few months now (no experience with earlier Sonic versions). Here's some problems I've found with the development environment. Hopefully someone can help with what I'm doing wrong, or the developers will accept this a constructive feedback. We don't have a lot of (any) experience base on our project ant this forum has been a great source of knowledge and assistance.
I'm working on an HP Probook (Intel i7) 4GB witn Windows 7 x64.
1) Changes to Java Service Types
If I change the Parameters on a JST, any Process that uses that Service in a Step no longer works. Although the new parameters appear on the wizzard in the IDE the parameter values are not passed into the Service, even if the Process is uploaded or I do an Upload All. The only way I can find around this is to re-copy the service reference from the Palette into the process. When this happens all existing Parameter values and Endpoint, including Fault Handler, references are lost.
2) Project Refactoring: Moving a Process
If I have defined Interfaces and Scenarios for a Process and subsequently move the .esbp file (wIth Drag and Drop or Move on the right-click menu.) the Interface and Scenario definitions are lost (or just disconnected from the Process definition).
- Is there a way to move a Process and maintain the Interface and Scenario links?
- Where are the Interface ans Scenario definitions stored? Is it possible to edit them and recover the link to the Process?
3) Uploading Java Service Types
I'm finding that, when working on JST that after uploading the Service Type a few times the container won't restart. The errors look like:
[11/02/09 11:33:01] (severe) Failed to marshal reply to "getContainerState" on Domain1.dev_ESBTest:ID=AGENT:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space [11/02/09 11:33:49] ID=AGENT (warning) Failed to invoke [handleNotification] on Domain1.AGENT MANAGER:ID=AGENT MANAGER [11/02/09 11:34:01] (severe) Failed to marshal reply to "getContainerState" on Domain1.dev_ESBTest:ID=AGENT:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space [11/02/09 11:34:37] ID=AGENT (warning) Failed to invoke [handleNotification] on Domain1.AGENT MANAGER:ID=AGENT MANAGER [11/02/09 11:35:01] (severe) Failed to marshal reply to "getContainerState" on Domain1.dev_ESBTest:ID=AGENT:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
The only way to get back into development is to exit Workbench, then Stop and Start the Domain manager. The Domain manager sometimes takes significantly longer to shut down after this happens.