Profiling options in Sonic

Posted by chetanparekh on 16-Nov-2010 04:24

(1)    Does Sonic ESB has in-built facility for  Memory and CPU profiling? Can we attach external profiler (like jProfiler and others) to Sonic?
(2)    We have an ESB Process which consists of 4 different ESB Services/Steps. We want to log how much time ESB Process takes to execute and how much time individual ESB Services/Steps take to execute. Does Sonic has facility to log/generate these statistics?

All Replies

Posted by sk185050 on 16-Nov-2010 04:35

I am not sure why you need to profile the container for this, but I believe you can do that. I have seen JRAT which is external tool, can plug-in.

I think you can check number 2 out with the ESB tracking on at level 4.

Posted by habin123 on 12-Jan-2011 04:37

I have a similar kind of requirement.

1 .I need to track the message flow inside a process.From which all services, sub process the message is following.

2 .There is also requirement to track the end-to-end message flow. In this scenario different process may be involved, placed in different containers.

I can't enable the tracking level due to performance issue.

Anybody has any idea or suggestions on how this can be accomplished ? Does sonic provides any API which can be used here ?

Thanks in advance.


Posted by sk185050 on 12-Jan-2011 05:21

If you can try this if that works for you.

Use intra container off and then you can browse the destinations that message is flowing.


There is JRAT open source that I know you can plug-in with the container for the profiling, you can explore if that can works for you. I am sure there are others as well.

There is sonic tool I heard abt some time back which was not free, you can monitor the message.

Posted by tsteinbo on 12-Jan-2011 05:32

chetanparekh schrieb:

(1)    Does Sonic ESB has in-built facility for  Memory and CPU profiling? Can we attach external profiler (like jProfiler and others) to Sonic?

You can indeed profile your esb containers. I use this on a regular basis with JProbe 8.3 (but other version work too of course).

The secret sauce is the container.xml.bat (7.x) or container.init.bat (8.0) in the contaner working directory. These are generated files that detail the java command line to copy&paste into your profiler.



Posted by marcos_olimpia on 18-Apr-2011 21:19

Hi Thomas,

can you give more details of how to use JProbe with Sonic please?

I have been trying to follow your lead, unfortunately is not working.

I´m using Sonic 7.6.2.


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