ESB Process Tracking messages out of order (8.0.1)

Posted by sedge on 05-Apr-2011 19:14

I have been using ESB Process Tracking as a debugging (and learning) tool. Now I am trying to test an end to end process which generates over 380 tracking messages. The process fails with an error in one of my Java Service Types but I cannot isolate the problem from the Tracking because the messages are out of order. What I see is that as the as the ESB Process Tracking list gets longer, the more out of order the messages become.

Process tracking is using the default dev.Tracking Topic as an end point.

Is it the expected behaviour to see the ESB Process Tracking message out of order? Is there a wat to correct the order of messages?



All Replies

Posted by tsteinbo on 07-Apr-2011 01:40

If you employ more than one listener each out-of-order messages can easily happen. Set everything to 1 and you should be all set.


Posted by sedge on 09-May-2011 18:33

Hi Thomas

I'm afraid your answer went a bit over my head:

"If you employ more than one listener each out-of-order messages can easily happen." As far as I'm aware I'm only using one listener, ESB Process Tracking, and using the default dev.Tracking topic.

"Set everything to 1 and you should be all set." What should I set to 1?

I have a further observation. If I detach the ESB Process Tracking window and put it on another screen so that I can watch the process running I see the messages being displayed on the screen, apparantly in the correct order. Then, when the proces finishes, the order of the messages in the display changes before my very eyes.

Note that this is a long (many steps) process which generates 517 Tracking entries.



Posted by sedge on 11-May-2011 01:08

Hi Thomas

I'm not sure whether I solved the problem or not.

I found a problem with one of my Java Service Types that was executing ctx.addOutgoing(env) twice and so the process was effectively being split, in several places.

Fixing this reduced the number of tracking messages from over 500 to 126.

Now the ESB Process Tracking display shows the messages in order.

The problem I found doesn't completely explain why I was seeing the messages out of order. As I mentioned in my post earlier today I saw the Process Tracking window being built in order then it suddenly went out of order with the initial steps in the process, which should have been in order, no longer at the top.



Posted by sk185050 on 11-May-2011 03:41

Can I know...How may instance are you deployed of the component. What destination type you are using?

Posted by sedge on 11-May-2011 18:43

Hi Sk Sk

I'm working entirely within the workbench IDE with the default Domain1 on my local machine. I believe that would make it a single instance. The logging destination is the default dev.Tracking Topic.



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