In the logfile dmWE.ctSalesTrans.log in folder /app/sonic/sonic-data/logs/ctSalesTrans.log - i.e. the file that contains my log4J ESB Container messages - I see:
[11/07/01 01:26:29] ID=AGENT (warning) Container log size threshold exceeded, threshold=16777216, actual=60147817
I cannot find a reference to the message "Container log size threshold exceeded".
(I really don't like when messages that appear in a log are unfindable in any documentation.)
The log file itself that shows this messages is rotated somehow, and is in general about 1 to 1.1MB, max 1463761 Bytes for the largest (rotated) log file in over a year now.
So I guess it is another kind of log?
The mention threshold value 16777216 I do see at the EditContainerProperties, tab LoggingAndAuditing in the SonicManagementConsole, mentioned there as "Log File Size Threshold".
What log is refered to, what property sets the threshold, how bad is the exceeding, what should I do about it, what does cause it?
Thanks and best regards,
I think I found what it is - the total size of all logs and rotated logs in folder /app/sonic/sonic-data/logs/ctSalesTrans.log is that mentioned number of 60MB.
So it is a threshold on the total size of the log folder.
We will implement some archiving/cleansing scripts in the house keeping section of our weekly batch.