Hello everybody,
When I try to install the service in repository I get the following error:
java.io.IOException: Failed to get details for '/System/SonicESB/properties/serv
icetypes/MyService.properties' - '/System/SonicESB/properties/servicetypes/MySer
vice.properties' does not exist
I select MyServiceType.esbstyp and next in the context menu I select Upload Service Type. I have MyService.properties file in the appopriate package next to MyServiceType.esbstyp. What should I do to avoid above error?
I'm not sure if you're problem is happening in Workbench, buf if it is, try doing a Project/Upload All, it should work.
When I try to do what You wrote I get the following error:
The Upload All action completed with errors. See the error log for more information
Failed to Upload the Java Service MyService : Failed to upload the Service Type XML at [E:\INSTALLED_PROGRAMS\SonicESB\Workbench8.0\workspace\Praca inżynierska\src\com\tmajeryk\MyServiceType.esbstyp] into Sonic FS.
Do you need more informations about above error? Please let me know.
You had right. I forget to set charset to UTF-8 for my project. When I did it then Project-->Upload all worked.
Thanks a lot.
No, however the problem was in the name of the project. I used the Polish diacritics.