Hi All,
Here is my clustered env.
2 machines :machine1, machine2 where machine1 has domain running.
I have a sonic connect service and i want it to be fault tolerant so i add this service to container ctMyAppl which is running on machine1 and machine2.
Now the webservice url is defined under /Resources/MyApp/lib/MyAppWS.properties as http://machine1:3580/connect/MyApplWS. or http://localhost:3580/connect/MyApplWS .Since this is in the Resources folder which is machine neutral so what should i do to make sure it can be accessed as http://machine1:3580/connect/MyApplWS. and http://machine2:3580/connect/MyApplWS.
Any help would be great !
Hi, we have the same deployment scenario. This question was asked a few months ago on this forum and it helped me with the same issue you have.
See this thread: http://communities.progress.com/pcom/thread/38961?tstart=60