Sonic (8.5) as an HTTP Endpoint

Posted by sedge on 17-Nov-2011 23:24

We have some messages arriving at our ESB as a simple HTTP POST and return an HTTP Status code 202-Accepted, or a 500-Internal Server Erorr if the message was invalid or a processing error occurred. We just read the data stream and process it, and optionally return an HTTP data stream.

Can Sonic act as a simple HTTP Endpoint and process the incoming data stream, and return a response Status Code and Data Stream? I had a look in thedocumentation and couldn't see how to do it.

If possible we'll need to do it through the same Jetty server as Sonic Connect because we'll want to use the same Port number.



All Replies

Posted by wtam on 18-Nov-2011 10:36

Yes, you can create SC REST Web Service.   HTTP status code to be returned to client can be assigned by setting StatusCode header in ESB Message.

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