Problems using ESB Process Tracking

Posted by memento13 on 28-Nov-2011 05:33

1. When I add new Process Tracker in Sonic Workbench in ESB Processes Tracking view, I get following error (after specifying Domain, Process, Endpoint, etc):

Problem during extraction of end-point (<my process name>) configuration from Domain Manager

2. I find tracking ESB process and resolving problem quite difficult? Is there any tools or best practices I can use, that would make running ESB processes less black box? Because I find resolving problems in development hard, I'm afraid problems will be unresolvable in production.


All Replies

Posted by memento13 on 28-Nov-2011 05:45

1. Was able to resolve the first problem. Tracking endpoint was missing.

Posted by hkalluru on 28-Nov-2011 05:47


Please ensure the tracking endpoint which is associated to the ESB Process is available in the Domain Manager.

Observed that, this kind of error message will be triggered only incase of tracking endpoint is missing and trying to run the ESB Process using ESB Process Tracking view



Posted by hkalluru on 28-Nov-2011 05:55


For the 2nd: Have you tried using the Message Sender and Message Listener views?

These views can be used to test how ESB Process works in a production kind of environment, where we can deploy the ESB Process in any of the ruuning ESB Containers and then we can send the messages to the Entry endpoint of the ESB Process and then we can see the messages at the Exit endpoint and also we can track all the events (like PROCESS_ENTRY, SERVICE_ENTRY, SERVICE_EXIT and PROCESS_EXIT) in the Message Listener view.

Hope this will help you!!



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