setting part header from message header

Posted by flmorello on 30-Sep-2011 04:48


I have a split and join step in a process, whith a file pickup in it. When the messages are merged in the parent process, I loose the FileName header of the jms message. I suppose that if I have the filename in part header instead of message header It will keep it, but I didn't find a way to set the message header as part header in the subprocess in javascript, and I think I can't do it in xsl, since the message content is binary. Does somebody have any idea on how to do this ?Thanks in advance,


PS : I'm using Sonic V7.6

All Replies

Posted by jerem on 28-Oct-2011 03:36

Hello Florian,

try this!

function rule(){

prt = XQMessage.getPart(0);
    prt.getHeader().setValue("Filename" , "edit.txt");



Chan Jeremy

ps : !oups did not see the date maybe a bit late...

Posted by flmorello on 29-Nov-2011 07:59

Never too late... I had to do it again, and it worked, thanks !

If somebody needs it, here's my code :


function rule() {

prt = XQMessage.getPart(1); 

attachHeaderProperty = prt.getHeader().getValue("ATTACH_HDR");   


return null;




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