How to parse a ByteMessage in ESB process?

Posted by cipdwak on 08-Dec-2011 04:25

We have a 3th party app sending a javax.jms.ByteMessage to a Sonic MQ/ESB.

The ESB process listening must convert this to a Sonic Multipart message.

How do I do this?

All Replies

Posted by hkalluru on 09-Dec-2011 01:06


You can decode the ByteMessage into a XQMessage part in the ESB Process. This can be fairly possible with using Message Mapping pages (i.e., in Request/Response Mapping pages) in a service step.

I think, Transformation actions like "Decode to Binary" will help you in this case.

In order to perform the above actions, you need to use Sonic8.5 workbench version.



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