Problem with WSInvocationComponent in Sonic 7.6.1

Posted by oystein.solberg on 15-Dec-2011 03:23

Hi everyone!

We have an ESB process with an invocation step, that sometimes gives us the following error:


<xq:rejectedMessageInfo xmlns:xq=""><rejectedCode>XQ_SERVICE_EXCEPTION</rejectedCode><rejectedLocation container="ctSentralEOTjeneste1" host="enkelt-tref-4" process="Sak.LagreSak.v1_0" serviceApplication="WSInvocationComponent" step="Lagre Sak:Prosess som skal eksekveres:Use Sak.LagreSak.v1_0.InvokeBackend.esbws" topLevelProcess="Sak.v1_0"/><rejectedDetails>java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.expandCapacity(

at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.append(

The whole trace is in the attached file.
Have anyone seen this problem before? Are there anything we can tune or use as a workaround for this problem?
We can successfully execute the process a couple of times, before it runs on the OutOfMemoryError. So there seem to be a problem with the garbage collection? The same container are running several other processes where this is not happening. The message size around 3 - 4 MB.
The environment is running on Linux.
Kind regards,

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