After I stop an esb service, an esb process that owns the stopped service still runs and sends messages to the service's entry endpoint (topic). When I start the service, it doesn't process messages that were sent to the endpoint while the service was down. How can I configure the endpoint to fix that?
an easy fix should be to change from Topic to Queue. Message sent to a queue are stored until they're consumed, message sent to a topic with no listeners 'disappears'.
It sounds like the service is using a non-durable subscription. With ESB I think you simply provide a 'Durable Subscription Name' when configuring the endpoint to have it use a durable subscription.
>> message sent to a topic with no listeners 'disappears'.
Only true nor non durable subcriptions.
see Paul's comment for how to fix that.
Thanks Paul. I set a 'Durable Subscription Name' and it works now.