Best practices for specifying/organizing JARs for a custom s

Posted by teeljb on 26-Jan-2012 08:40

I'm trying to get my head around where to specify runtime JARs for my SonicESB(7.6) custom processes - at the MQ container level, or the ESB container level. I currently have a 1-to-1 correspondence  between ESB containers and MQ containers, so it appears to be an either/or decision, but I'm new enough at Sonic & Java development to wonder whether there is a best practice or rule of thumb. Does anybody have any ideas, or care to share their practices?



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Posted by habin123 on 27-Jan-2012 01:32


        Are you familiar with the custom classloaders which are available in sonic ESB ? It may help you to organize your custom service jars.

You can read about the class loading scheme under the topic “Controlling ESB Classloading” in the attached pdf.


Posted by teeljb on 01-Feb-2012 14:45

No, I am not familiar with custom classloaders. Thanks for the manual; I didn't even know this one existed! We're running ESB 7.6, so I don't know how much of the manual will apply to my installation, but it's the "missing doc" I've been looking for. I'll study this and reply soon.

Thanks and regards,


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