HTTP Direct Content Reply

Posted by chriselst on 23-Jan-2012 10:08

I have a number of ESB processes that make a HTTP Post to an external system, they do this quite happily with no interest in the response.

Now however one of them needs to split it's content, make a post, wait for the reply, and then make another post using some of the original content and some of the reply.

I cannot find any documentation or examples for using the content reply bits of of HTTP Direct within an ESB process.

Can someone please point me in the direction of something useful in this area, or give some advice / pointers / anything else.

Thank you.


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Posted by teeljb on 26-Jan-2012 09:06

I'm pretty green at this, but I'll throw my 2 cents in anyway. My experience has been short, and exclusively with custom Java services and web services, none of the other "out of the box" services provided.

Within my process that sends HTTP out and expects a response, I have two services defined: a custom service that does the heavy construction of the outgoing message, and a service of type "Web Service", which does the actual web stuff.  Within the graphical process view, I double-click the web service, which brings up the service view. Since the service type is "web service" there are four tabs at the bottom: Process, Service, Request Mapping, and Response Mapping. I select "Response Mapping".

There are four sections: Action Definitions, Output Action Definition, Target in Message, and Advanced. I'm unclear about the first one; I inherited my application, so I tend not to mess with anything I don't know about. Under "Output Action Definition" I selected "Add New Message Part", and under "Target in Message (Part with Content ID:)" I gave the response part a name. Under "Advanced" I selected "Add Part at End".

The result of this is that I get the response back, piggy-backed on the outgoing message, with an identifier that I've given it (so that I can get the part by name).

I hope this helps...

Posted by chriselst on 06-Feb-2012 09:45

Quite right, I had completely ignored the Web Service step.

I had got myself bogged down in the MQ implementations and so failed to see the simple solution under ESB.

Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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