I can't get (programmatically) the metrics for any queue

Posted by appmath on 01-Mar-2012 21:35

For some reason, I was able to achieve this goal using Sonic Management Console but not with my own code or MgmtCLI.

And as expected your own SonicMQ.routingQueue fails this "test".

Is this a known issue? Is there a workaround?



All Replies

Posted by bduncan on 01-Mar-2012 22:44

I believe you have to escape the "." to distinguish it as part of the queue name rather than a separator in the metric name hierarchy.

So for example, instead of "queue.messages.Count.SonicMQ.routingQueue" try "queue.messages.Count.SonicMQ%.routingQueue".

Probably not a good choice to have used a name with a "." in it for one of the internal broker queues!


Posted by appmath on 05-Mar-2012 16:43

Excellent. It worked. Thanks Bruce.

I am still not sure as what is the best queue naming convention.

We are going to be upgrading to 8.5 (we already have the licenses) and this might be the best time to do it right this time.


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