I want to know about real time working of sonic esb including who and how to manage ESB. How client invoke the ESB process? Where sonic ESB resides? who is responsible to maintain it?
I need a real time example.
Wow, that's a really big topic.
All covered in the Documentatin and the online training or the Progress courses.
I go through the about all progress sonic pdf documnets but can not get the actual ESB implementation in real world. Can you please provide some scenario of real working of ESB as I mentioned previous query.
Thank you,
I understand your point. It can be really hard to get a 10,001 foot view from the documentation (so Progress love to sell services).
In a nutshell, Sonic ESB does what ESBs do:
- Receive messages (data) from a variety of sources, like Web Services, REST, Files, MQ Series, FTP, OpenEdge and so on
- And (optionaly):
- Do some stuff to the messages, like validation, transforms, split processing and so on
- Send the (transformed) message on to some other destination (like Web Service, REST, MQ Series, FTP, OpenEdge and so on.
- Send a reply to the sender
And Progress argue that it is the best of breed.
The development platform, or Sonic Workbench, is Eclipse with some Sonic Plug-ins so you can run it on Windows or Linux as 32 or 64 bit.
There are some pretty nifty wizzards and a graphical process designer.
Sonic MQ is built on top of JMS and Sonic ESB is built on top of Sonic MQ. All the processing is a messaging model. Message processing is handled in a Process.
- A Process is made up of Steps.
- A Step is excecuted by a Service Type instance.
- A Service Type is a Java program that impements a Service Type interface. and can receive parameters, both at initailisation and at run time from the Step definition.
- Sonic provides a set of standard Service Types to perform common functions and you can develop your own to do specialised processing.
The Sonic runtime is a model of Domain Manger and Containers and is all designed for continuous operation with load balancing and fail-over built in.
The current version is 8.5 and a Service Pack is due out soon.
Around Sonic the community have developed a methodology called SDP that heps keep it all unter control.
- Source Control (preferably with Subersion)
- Deverlopment project Structure and build with Maven
- Continuous integration with Jenkins/Hudson
- Deployment and version management with Nexus
Progress have packaged this up into an Education offering and, from what I understand, you have to buy the education to get the documentation and Maven Sonic plug-in. Tough luck if you are outside the USA.
Thanks a lot Stephen for your help.
And please exaplain in gist about why I we have to use Sonic workbench in detail?
Also I need to know about how can I use sonic ESB in the scenario where,
1. I have developed web services using progress exploer tool.
2. I need to invoke this web services using Java client or OE client.
In this case what is the role of ESB and how to configure ESB for openedge web service to access by java client using ESB?
If there is any video tutorial regarding sonic esb or sonic workbench please suggest me.
Thank you,
Dinesh Sapkota