Sonic and .NET

Posted by appmath on 20-Mar-2012 17:29

A project that's interfacing with us (they use .NET and we use Java) needs to use .NET to connect to Sonic. I have looked at my code samples and they are all in Java.

Where can I find the .NET samples?


All Replies

Posted by testsoa on 21-Mar-2012 01:08

Hello Aziz,

.NET samples are distributed as part of "Progress SonicMQ .NET Client 8.5.0 for Microsoft Windows .NET" (licensed separately, I think). There are samples for C++, C# and VB.NET.

There is also a product called "Progress SonicMQ C/C++/COM Client 8.5.0" that contains samples in C, C++, ASP.

However, I have no experiences with these, as we use Java only.

There is also the possibility of interacting with Sonic (from the .NET world) using HTTP or Web Services. In that case you would, however, lose some important MQ features, like acknowledgements and transactions. Perhaps WS-ReliableMessaging would give you the reliability, but I do not know for sure.



Posted by pmeadows on 21-Mar-2012 05:40

The SonicMQ .NET Client is a separate download, but doesn't require a separate license as far as I know.  It includes samples and documentation and should be available from the Progress Download Center.

Posted by appmath on 22-Mar-2012 17:05

Thanks to both of you.

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