Filepickup on a network location

Posted by myshild on 26-Mar-2012 05:17


I am trying to figure out how to config the filepickup service to run as a domain user who has access on the shared folders this company uses.

I have been reading some documents, but I never saw any reference to specifying the running user.

In this discussion Mike says he configured the service to another user so I guess it should be possible.

Any help is appreciated.


All Replies

Posted by testsoa on 29-Mar-2012 04:22

I don't think it's possible. I would suggest to map the network drive with a letter designation (e.g. net use z: \\server\share /user: ) before starting your container.

Posted by myshild on 29-Mar-2012 04:34

Thank you for your feedback.

The problem with mapping drives is that it usually requires the user that the user logs on to map it which is not going to happen as its just a service that runs on the local system account.

Its a production system with a 24h uptime requirement. It might be possible to change the user that runs the management framework container, but to do that we need to be sure that it doesnt interfere with anything else Sonic does.

IMO the easiest solution is to change the running user to a domain user which can be given access to the different folders it needs, but as I said we do not know if that will have any negative effect on the functionality of Sonic.

I am not even sure that this would solve the problem as I do not have the needed knowledge about what happens "under the hood" of Sonic.

Posted by sfritz on 29-Mar-2012 04:41


The MF container is running under the account that is used to start it.

If you are on Windows you have to configure the service to use a dedicated user.

On Linux/UNix simply start the container script usign the proper user.

I personally would try to run the file pickup service in a dedicated container on the machine where the files are.

This is definitly more robust then relying on a network drive.


Posted by myshild on 29-Mar-2012 05:26


Do you know if changing the user that runs the service will have any effect on what is already running in Sonic?

In other words, will changing the user require us to do other changes as well like changing settings?

Thanks for the tip about running filepickup on the other server. I will discuss it with my coworkers.



Posted by sfritz on 29-Mar-2012 05:45

Depends on what your services do.

But nothing on Sonmic internal side that is impacted by the OS user.

As long as your OS permissions allow the user to access the Containers working directory.


Posted by myshild on 29-Mar-2012 06:00

Thank you for your help.

We will have to discuss what to do at our side, but it seems that changing the user is the best way to handle the situation for us at the moment.


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