Adding basic authentication in web services.

Posted by dnessapkota10 on 01-May-2012 04:52

I'm newbie to sonic and I have sucessfully deployed web service using sonic connect service. Now, I need to implement some basic authentication i.e it require username and password in order to acces it from external client. I also goes throug sonic docs but it is difficult for me to implement it. I have attached my spring.xml file. Could anyone help me to add security on it?

Thanks in advance,



All Replies

Posted by wtam on 01-May-2012 16:28

Please read the chapter on "Configuring Web services to use HTTPS".

Posted by dnessapkota10 on 02-May-2012 06:46

Thanks William for your concern,

But for some configuration, it is difficult to work with it and I can't find the right way to add security.

Can you please attached some basic security in my spring.xml file which I had previously added.

Best Regards,


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