Will jmscomclient.dll work in Windows 2008R2 64bit environme

Posted by SIL on 23-May-2012 16:28

I am doing a test install of sonicmq the above named server operating system and am getting an error when our C# .net application tries to connect using the jsmcomclient.   Does anyone know if it will work or will we be forced to upgrade?

Here is the error:

2012-05-23 15:44:32  Info:  Starting GTPosting program ...
2012-05-23 15:44:32  Info:  ========================================

Unhandled Exception: System.BadImageFormatException: Retrieving the COM class fa
ctory for component with CLSID {D658E3EF-4176-4822-98AF-B894BC75333F} failed due
to the following error: 800700c1.
   at GTPosting.SonicMessages.SetUp()
   at GTPosting.GTPosting.SonicMQ_SetUp()
   at GTPosting.Class1.Main(String[] args)

Thanks for any assistance!

Andy B.

All Replies

Posted by pmeadows on 24-May-2012 05:31

Hi Andy,

The recommendation would probably be to look at migrating to the SonicMQ .NET Client which is more complete, robust, and performant than the COM Client, but the COM Client is still available and (as far as I know) supported for the latest SonicMQ releases.

What version of SonicMQ and the SonicMQ COM Client are you using currently?

There are separate C/C++/COM Client downloads for Windows 32-bit and Windows 64-bit.  Do you have the 64-bit version?

The Sonic 8.0.x 64-bit COM Client has been tested with Windows 2008; the Sonic 8.5.x 64-bit COM Client specifically with Windows 2008 R2.  It looks like the Windows 64-bit COM Client was first introduced with SonicMQ 7.6.x, though as far as I know that version hasn't been tested with Windows 2008.

Thanks, Paul.

Posted by SIL on 24-May-2012 08:17

Hi Paul,

WE are currently using version 7.6.2 but are no longer under the maintenance agreement so don't have access to later versions.   I think I will talk to our programmer to see if we can try the .net client.    I am a total newbie with Sonic but have been doing some test installations the past few days.   When I search through all the installation files I don't find the jmscomclient.dll anywhere.   Maybe this is a dumb question but where in the heck do i find it?  The one that I do have is from version 6.   Thanks a lot for your help!


Posted by SIL on 24-May-2012 08:42

Nevermind - I see the download for the 7.6 com client for 64bit now.   Not sure how I missed it before.  Thanks.

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