performance: durable topic vs. queue

Posted by on 13-Jun-2012 02:40


Kind of philosophical question ...

Which one performs better: durable shared topic or queue (endpoint durable=false)?

Customer has sonic service endpoints set up on durable topics.

I'd prefer queues since control is better but how about perfomance?


All Replies

Posted by Bill Wood on 26-Oct-2013 14:59

It is not really a direct comparison.  With Shared Durable subscriptions, you still have a Topic, and other Subscribers to the topic that are not part of the group that is sharing will still get a copy.  

Generally, if you only have one application that wants to consume the message, and you want more than one 'thread' or 'instance' to consume things in a round-robin or shared fashion, then Queues would be the way to go because the internal infrastructure only has to keep track of the Queue.

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