I have ESB processes which work fine but send some messages into dev.Exit endpoint. Question is why?
These processes don’t have Exit Endpoints.
In one process I have last step before Exit one way dispatch service and when tracking is on I see that this dispatch step sends message to dev.Exit. When I replace Exit with Terminate step, then message is not sent. Why so?
In other process I have last step before Exit XML transformation service that removes some headers and one message part. Tracking shows that this step is sending message into dev.Exit. When I remove this step, then message is not sent. Why so?
It is strange that I have many similar processes which don’t send these messages.
Thank you,
Is this behavior seen when you run tests inside Sonic Workbench, or is it something that generically happens in tests run outside Workbench.
Inside Workbench, when you run a test scenario for an ESB Process, the process is wrapped in a dynamically created process which overrides the Exit, RME, and Fault endpoints. This is so you can see the output in the Output window.