Does Sonic cover the scenario mentioned in the title?
I have looked at: "Progress Sonic 8.5.1 Installation and Upgrade Guide".
Alas, chapter 6, page 132, covers "Using Response Files with Installers" while chapter 3 covers "Using Progress Sonic Launcher Installer". I failed to find an example that covers the use of the Sonic Launcher with a response file.
Thomas Steinborn is no longer with Progress Software and has moved to Aurea Software to continue support of the Sonic, Savvion, Actional, and DataXtend product lines.
For requests related to Progress Business (or Progress Application Partners inquiring about Sonic), please contact sfdcacctrequests@progress.com and your request will be routed to the appropriate person at Progress.
To contact Thomas regarding matters related to Sonic, Savvion, Actional or DataXtend, his new contact information is tsteinbo@aureasoftware.com.
“Savvion, Sonic, Actional, and DXSI are now part of Aurea Software! As a result I am no longer available at this email address.
New contact information:
My Email: stefan@aureasoftware.com
My Phone: +1-512-2018-287 (1-512-2018-AUR) Ext# 6217
Support Portal: www.AureaSoftware.com/Support
Support Email: support@aureasoftware.com
Support Phone: +1-650-801-1899
Progress Software SupportLink will remain unchanged for a few weeks, and then will transition to the Aurea Support Portal listed above.
Stefan Fritz