We are starting work on a project that will access a web service from a 3rd party. When I look at their WSDL they have only one input called parameter for each operation and one output called parameter for each of their responses. According to them the parameter is created using JAXB and is a java object. I have a few question that I am hoping someone can answer for me since what they are telling me does not make since.
1. Can you have a java object as the input/output of a web service? This does not make since as it would be like me expecting a progress temp-table as the input/output of a ABL web service instead of the XML representation of that temp-table.
2. JAXB seems to me to be a different method (similar to loading a XML document in to a pro-dataset) from the DOM in reading and writing a XML document. That being the case and if you can not have a java object as the input/output of a web service, does it make more since that their inputs/outputs are actually XML documents? (I have the XSD that defines the input and outputs as XML documents).
3. If you can use a java object as an input/output of a web service? Is there away to create/read those objects from the ABL?
Any help in this area would be helpful and the sooner the better as I have another phone call with this 3rd party tomorrow. Thank you.