Export to XML file

Posted by Admin on 05-Nov-2007 20:34

Dear all,

How can I export a file to XML file from progress?

All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 06-Nov-2007 13:15

There are a number of options, but the range of options depends on version. Also, I suspect that you need to tell us a little more about what you want to do, i.e., where does the file come from, what does it look like, where is the mapping to XML, etc.

Posted by Admin on 06-Nov-2007 20:05

What I want to do is export many records in a table into a xml file. For example:

I have a table named "guest", consists of some fields:

- guest number

- last name

- first name

- title

- address

- city

- zip code

- country

I want to transfer all of guest's records into xml file, the format is :

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 07-Nov-2007 11:14

Again, version is significant. For the most recent versions there is a WRITE-XML method for temp-tables which will do it in one line.

Posted by Admin on 07-Nov-2007 19:32

I am using progress 9. I didn't find write-xml method on progress help.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 08-Nov-2007 10:49

Yes, unfortunately on version 9 you won't have either that method or even SAX so you will be stuck with DOM.

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