WSDL ABL Demo code?

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 12-Sep-2008 12:26

At PSDN Live, I attended a presentation John Sadd put on for making WebServices calls from the OE client, and was impressed by how simple the process was.

So, I'm looking for some demo code which'll let me play with this - is there a place on PSDN where I can find some sample code? I've found some PPT's and such, but not the code itself.

All Replies

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 12-Sep-2008 12:57

Found it!!default.jspa?categoryID=1870&externalID=468

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 12-Sep-2008 13:10

This program references a "key.i", which isn't included in the zip file.

I've commented it out, and the program seems to run, although I'm getting other complaints. Could someone at Progress provide this file? Or an updated version of this code that'll work with Google's current API's?

UPDATE: This code doesn't seem to work with Google's APIs any more - I'm getting error messages back.

so, I'm looking for the updated version of this code now.

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 12-Sep-2008 14:04

I've updated the API's from, and I'm getting errors about invalid keys....

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 12-Sep-2008 14:35

Invalid keys appear to have to do with needing a key from Google, which they don't seem to be issuing any more.

and so the quest continues....

Posted by rstanciu on 15-Sep-2008 06:49

Try this


Posted by Tim Kuehn on 15-Sep-2008 07:33

Looks good, particularly since it includes a google key.

I tried this at the client site, but it didn't get to google, so I'll have to give it a run when I get back to my office.


Posted by rstanciu on 15-Sep-2008 08:01

If you are behind of a proxy server to access Internet, you can try

using startup parametres like:

prowin32 -proxyhost -proxyport -proxyUserid -proxyPassword

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 15-Sep-2008 08:10

Cool - that worked like a charm!


Posted by rstanciu on 29-Sep-2008 09:31

this is another example from google: SpellingSuggestion


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