Consume Xeternal web service from ESB

Posted by Admin on 18-Dec-2008 22:09

I just want to consume external web service from ESB. Service deployed in Apache axis2 web service engine. Somebody have sample code to do this please feedback.

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Posted by jtownsen on 19-Dec-2008 03:08

In short, you need to add a "Web Service" step to your process. The Sonic Workbench help has a section entitled "Specifying properties for a web service invocation step".

In addition, you might want to have a look at this whitepaper ( and the Sonic Cook-a-long: Implementing Web Services in Sonic ESB (!default.jspa?externalID=5316) Both of these resources start by showing how to expose an ESB process as a Web Service, but also cover how to call a web service.

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