Hello everyone, I need some help.
I am trying to expose some of my existing ESB processes as web services using the "Create wrapped process" feature. Everything works fine in the sense that I am able to call the resulting WS and get the correct reply as long as everything inside the ESB process goes as planned. The only problem is that when a message is send to the RME endpoint (which does unfortunately happen) the client gets no reply at all, just a timeout. What I would like is to send the error message as a WS-Fault to the client. Is there a ready solution for that or do I have to attach some sort of listener process on RME endpoint that will wrap the messages as WS-Fault and send them back to the client?
Would be greatful for any suggestions.
Typically, you'd attach something to the RME handler. You can also send the RME message to the ReplyTo endpoint.