When I create JET templates, the Swedish characters (åäö) is change to "?" when the javafiles * .java is created. How do you do to keep the Swedish characters.
Looks like an issue with the encoding. Can you try using UTF8 (by default Eclipse/PDSOE uses CP-1251).
You can change it either at workspace level or project level.
For Workspace level settings:
Window > Preferences > General > Workspace, change the Text file encoding from Default (Cp1252) to UTF8.
These steps might be different based on version of Architech (PDSOE)/Eclipse you are using - which version are you using?
Looks like an issue with the encoding. Can you try using UTF8 (by default Eclipse/PDSOE uses CP-1251).
You can change it either at workspace level or project level.
For Workspace level settings:
Window > Preferences > General > Workspace, change the Text file encoding from Default (Cp1252) to UTF8.
These steps might be different based on version of Architech (PDSOE)/Eclipse you are using - which version are you using?
Now I get the swedich characters. Thank's
you don’t have to use utf-8 for this. utf-8 is a multi-byte character set but there are single-byte alternatives.
it might be more convenient to use whatever character set is normally used in sweden.
ISO-8859-15 is common for much of wester europe.