How to check the wether newly built database are idential to

Posted by on 17-Aug-2015 04:23


I created new database in Linux cent os 6.5 , under OE 11.5 version by the below steps under my POC server.

Please note that we are doing hardware updation from HP-UX linux cent os 6.5 and also migrating from Progress version 10.1C to Progress version 11.5

1.Installed OE 11.5 in Linux cent os 6.5.

2.Created database with prostrct create command.

Prostrct create DB-name <> blocksize 8192.

.st files are FTPed from current database which are in 10.1C version.

3.Used procopy command from empty8 database to newly created database.

procopy db-name /usr/dlc115/dlc/bin/empty8.

4.Then took all the .df files  from  databases which were in 10.1C and loaded to newly created database.

5.Then took all .d files from database which were in 10.1C and loaded into newly created database by performing

binary dump and load .

6.Rebuild the index,

Now I dont know wether newly created database in linux cent os in OE 11.5 are same like database that were in HP-UX in OE 10.1C.

How to check wether newly created database and database in OE 10.1C are identical in Schema and data etc.

All Replies

Posted by Libor Laubacher on 17-Aug-2015 04:35

well if you loaded the complete df you dumped out and your data loaded fine, then the schema is the same :) but if you want an absolute proof, run delta df from data admin, or there is I think a report in data administrator tool which you can generate against both and then compare, since probably delta df won't work between 10 and 11 unless you conv1011 the 10.1c db

for the test run proutil db -C dbanalys on both and compare (it will also list the tables, so you can compare that too).

Posted by on 17-Aug-2015 05:58

Thanks Libor,

I believe that the steps I mentioned above  to create the database are correct.

Is this the best way to create the database when we are doing both hardware as well as progress version upgradation.

If you have any other better methodology than above mentioned steps, Please suggest.

Posted by George Potemkin on 17-Aug-2015 07:32

> 5.Then took all .d files from database which were in 10.1C and loaded into newly created database by performing binary dump and load .

I guess you meant the .bd files. In this case I would compare the codepages of the old and new databases.

BTW, the questions related to a database would be better to ask in the different Community Group.

Posted by on 18-Aug-2015 00:00

Thanks George ,

Can u please tell me how to compare the codepages of the old and new databases.

Posted by Aidan Jeffery on 18-Aug-2015 07:40

Connect to the database and run this ABL command:


You might also want to compare collations:


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