Problems with AppBuilder and OCX in Arcade Showroom 11.4

Posted by ske on 02-Oct-2014 06:40


In Arcade Showroom, I tried running the pre-installed virtual machine with OpenEdge 11.4, and then tried doing a couple of things in the stand-alone AppBuilder and also in the AppBuilder perspective in Developer Studio, but I had some problems in this version, as compared to the machines for previous versions in Arcade Showroom, for instance 11.3.

  • In this version, I could no longer find the standard OCX controls CSSPin and CSComboBox in the AppBuilder object palette. Only PSTimer. Where did the other two go? The 11.4 documentation still says they should be there, and in 11.3 they are.
  • In the stand-alone AppBuilder (only), when I open some random non-visual procedure file, usually AppBuilder opens a window with a treeview of the code sections in that file, in addition to the procedure editor window. But in this version, the section window doesn't show anything, it is just all grey background. Why?
  • I tried creating a new SmartWindow, and then selected adding a general SmartObject, and then browsed to C:\Progress\OpenEdge\gui\src\adm2\dyntreeview.w to add this as the SmartObject. That works in previous versions, but here I get a dialog showing me error 6087 about some referenced OCX not being available. Why?

(This was tested two weeks ago. I tried asking through other channels in the meantime, without answer.)

All Replies

Posted by Mike Fechner on 02-Oct-2014 06:48

Is that machine using 64 bit Progress? Most OCX Controls do not work on 64 bit Progress.
Can you install 32 bit Progress?

Posted by ske on 02-Oct-2014 07:33

As I said, this is a pre-installed machine in Progress Arcade Showroom. I can not insall anything there, it is the way Progress installed it, and that's it. They did not provide two different machines for 11.4, one with 32 and one with 64 bit Progress, either.

The name of the machine provided does not say whether it is 32 or 64 bit. Windows on the provided machine seems to be 64 bit, when I check that in Windows. Not sure how to tell whether the installed Progress product is 64 or 32 bit.

Even so, is the section window of AppBuilder not supposed to work in 64 bit Progress?

Posted by Tjerk Coomans on 02-Oct-2014 07:41


If you look in the progress install dlc\bin there you can find a prowin.exe or a prowin32.exe

just prowin means 64bit install

The section editor should still work in 64, but the outline treeview is not there anymore.

Posted by Tjerk Coomans on 02-Oct-2014 07:43

Another suggestion would be to use PDSOE instead of studio. It's fully integrated from 11.2. You still have the old designer but can also use all new capabilities of PDSOE.

Posted by Peter Judge on 02-Oct-2014 08:12

I don't know if the OE client is 64 bit or not, but if it is, then 32 bit OCX's are not supported. See for a statement to that effect.
-- peter
From: Mike Fechner []
Sent: Thursday, 02 October, 2014 07:49
Subject: [Technical Users - OE Architecture Cloud and Arcade] AW: Problems with AppBuilder and OCX in Arcade Showroom 11.4
Reply by Mike Fechner
Is that machine using 64 bit Progress? Most OCX Controls do not work on 64 bit Progress.
Can you install 32 bit Progress?
Stop receiving emails on this subject.

Flag this post as spam/abuse.


Posted by Dileep Dasa on 02-Oct-2014 14:03

>> In this version, I could no longer find the standard OCX controls CSSPin and CSComboBox in the AppBuilder object palette. Only PSTimer. Where did the other two go? The 11.4 documentation still says they should be there, and in 11.3 they are.

You are running 64-bit OpenEdge. CSSPing and CSComboBox are not supported and are removed from 64-bit OE

>> In the stand-alone AppBuilder (only), when I open some random non-visual procedure file, usually AppBuilder opens a window with a treeview of the code sections in that file, in addition to the procedure editor window. But in this version, the section window doesn't show anything, it is just all grey background. Why?

Can you please provide name of a non-visual procedure file you are talking about.

>> I tried creating a new SmartWindow, and then selected adding a general SmartObject, and then browsed to C:\Progress\OpenEdge\gui\src\adm2\dyntreeview.w to add this as the SmartObject. That works in previous versions, but here I get a dialog showing me error 6087 about some referenced OCX not being available. Why?

As few people said, 32-bit OCXs are not supported in 64-bit OE

Posted by Srinivas Kantipudi on 06-Oct-2014 03:44

The third bullet point is an issue in Windows 64 bit machine, works fine in Win 32. We have logged an issue for this. Please contact tech support if you want this to be fixed.



Posted by Frank Meulblok on 06-Oct-2014 04:03

">> I tried creating a new SmartWindow, and then selected adding a general SmartObject, and then browsed to C:\Progress\OpenEdge\gui\src\adm2\dyntreeview.w to add this as the SmartObject. That works in previous versions, but here I get a dialog showing me error 6087 about some referenced OCX not being available. Why?"

The dyntreeview.w relies on the Microsoft Common Controls, which don't have a 64-bit equivalent.

See also KB article

Posted by ske on 06-Oct-2014 07:01

The Arcade Showroom virtual machine for 11.4 apparently is indeed installed with 64-bit Windows and 64-bit OpenEdge. It has the prowin.exe file and no prowin32.exe.

The question the becomes, though: Should't there be a Showroom machine with a 32-bit environment too?

Posted by ske on 06-Oct-2014 07:54

Dileep Dasa wrote:

> Can you please provide name of a non-visual procedure file you are talking about.

Any .p file in C:\Progress\OpenEdge\src\adm2\ will open the code sections window, as an example.

Posted by ske on 06-Oct-2014 08:09

Peter Judge wrote:

> See

> for a statement to that effect.

Ok, you're right.

I didn't go looking in that manual when the OCX controls didn't show up in Arcade Showroom. Also, I think it would have been useful for the AppBuilder manual to also mention this. Because that one just simply lists all the traditional OCX controls for AppBuilder as being available in the object palette, with no restrictions mentioned.

When I continued reading the installation manual that you linked to a couple of sections further, I noticed another thing I don't understand: In the section "ABL Development" (under "Windows 64-bit"), it says "The graphical development products are not part of the Windows 64-bit product". But the Arcade Showroom machine for 11.4 apparently has the 64-bit product installed, and still I can find both the Eclipse environment (Developer Studio) and AppBuilder and other OpenEdge development tools there. So what is the meaning of this?

Posted by Dileep Dasa on 07-Oct-2014 09:17

Thank you [mention:63be04d9c3954014a7568fc09eb8ddae:e9ed411860ed4f2ba0265705b8793d05]

We logged an issue to address this (second point where a grey window is shown instead of tree view)

Posted by ske on 04-Nov-2014 05:02

Tjerk Coomans:

> Another suggestion would be to use PDSOE instead of studio. It's fully integrated from 11.2.

> You still have the old designer but can also use all new capabilities of PDSOE.

Someone suggested te above as the final answer. But to me it seems like the least relevant of all the suggestions given, sorry. To clarify: When I said "Devloper Studio", which is the name used in the program menu and in the start banner, I meant the Eclipse based integrated development environment. I think that is the same Tjerk meant when he said "PDSOE". As I said from the start, the symtoms are the same there.

I suppose the problem is linked to the Arcade Showroom machine using 64 bit Progress, while most OCX controls are 32 bit only, like som other people suggested. Thanks for all those answers, and for the help finding out which kind was installed, including the other reply from Tjerk, and to Dileep Dasa for logging an issue regarding the grey section listing window.

Still wondering though why only a 64 bit Showroom machine is provided (unlike the Showroom machines for previous versions and with no information that it is 64 bit), and also why this restriction for OCX controls is not also documented right away in the AppBuilder manual (and not only somewhere else) where they are mentioned in a way like they should always be available.

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