Starting point

Posted by on 24-Apr-2014 08:47

Hello All,

This is my first post here so forgive me if I end up breaking any rules or posting in the wrong forum.

Having done some reading on OO in OE, it seems to me that the pattern used in AutoEdge|TheFactory is the only one being actively advocated as of recently. Would I be correct in assuming that this is the accepted framework (or is there other frameworks) I can use as a starting point for developing an OO framework that takes advantage of ABL and OO at the same time?

I think I should point out that I am just getting back into working with OE (my last .p was in v9), so if I sound a little disconnected from all the recent happening in OE, that is because I actually am. I have done quite a bit of research before asking this question, but failed to find a clearly stated consensus on this topic anywhere.

Thank you in advance for all the help.

All Replies

Posted by Mike Fechner on 24-Apr-2014 12:32

I would look at the AutoEdge framework as the Progress Software sample implementation outlining the principles of the OpenEdge Reference Architecture in a possible implementatiom. It was meant for educational purposes and has also been used by developers (in parts or in complete) as a starting point for their own applications and frameworks.
Unfortunately the OERI (Reference Implementation) has never become part of the commercially supported OpenEdge development tools. Peter Judge and others from Progress provide some kind of support through the forums here on the community site.
Another problem with the AutoEdge framework is the lack of tools to provide developer productivity.
So it depends on what you are after.
Other companies have developed other OERA implementations either open source or as commercial products (like our SmartComponent Library).
From: []
Sent: Donnerstag, 24. April 2014 15:48
Subject: Starting
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Hello All,

This is my first post here so forgive me if I end up breaking any rules or posting in the wrong forum.

Having done some reading on OO in OE, it seems to me that the pattern used in AutoEdge|TheFactory is the only one being actively advocated as of recently. Would I be correct in assuming that this is the accepted framework (or is there other frameworks) I can use as a starting point for developing an OO framework that takes advantage of ABL and OO at the same time?

I think I should point out that I am just getting back into working with OE (my last .p was in v9), so if I sound a little disconnected from all the recent happening in OE, that is because I actually am. I have done quite a bit of research before asking this question, but failed to find a clearly stated consensus on this topic anywhere.

Thank you in advance for all the help.

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Posted by agent_008_nl on 05-May-2014 02:27

AutoEdge|TheFactory is a good starting point, yes. You have to deal with some child diseases and write some tools on top to be able to develop quickly, but that should be doable if you have the time and your company can finance it. I used aetf as a starting point myself (see the summary on The framework is in production and very succesfull.

Posted by on 23-May-2014 02:23

Thank you both for your answers. I have grappled with this for a while now and I think we have to go with something far less ambitious or involved. There really should be more up to date support tools/documentation for people trying to adopt OERA.

Posted by Mike Fechner on 23-May-2014 02:31

Tools are available. But they are typically commercial.

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