Error logging architecture [from Re: Feedback & Contribu

Posted by Admin on 22-Apr-2011 00:25

If that is what you have in mind - then yes, definitively

Something like log4j is also a good approach, you can have multiple logger attached to the manager and depending on how those are configured one might log critical errors in a database, throw all exceptions in a stacked display manager (depending maybe on the log-level user settings), send emails or anything else since the logger manager has a plug-able architecture.

Regarding formatting, you might think about having localization added to the picture but not having it bundle into the exception or the exception manager... those should get the messages already formatted (including localization), I think  

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Posted by Peter Judge on 22-Apr-2011 07:37

marianedu wrote:

If that is what you have in mind - then yes, definitively

Something like log4j is also a good approach, you can have multiple logger attached to the manager and depending on how those are configured one might log critical errors in a database, throw all exceptions in a stacked display manager (depending maybe on the log-level user settings), send emails or anything else since the logger manager has a plug-able architecture.

Yeah, I like that approach a lot. Provide an skeleton and let implementers decide how heavy or lightweight they want it to be (how much they want to flesh it out?)

Regarding formatting, you might think about having localization added to the picture but not having it bundle into the exception or the exception manager... those should get the messages already formatted (including localization), I think

That's one aspect that we're not even touched yet ...

I suspect we've completed overloaded Mike's original thread here, so we should probably continue any discussions on error handling, SCM systems and logging in their own threads ...

-- peter

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